Our ritual Sunday morning SMS to or from zii Cesare & Massimo: “colazione? alle 11a!”.
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Sfoglia at Pasticceria Querci
I was craving their delicious sfoglia alla crema. This pastry is seriously heaven – it is coated with a crisp sugary glaze, in the mornings served fresh and warm. yea…Go try one, now!
The one downside to this place is something that only effects my waistline! As you know, I am a salty morning eater, this means I order a panino con tonno (tuna sandwich) AND this pastry. C’mon…how can I resist while watching everyone else eat this deliciousness and not join in. Stop calling me fatty, uncle Calvin! 😛
Today Juli is sporting her new straw hat (H&M), is it me or is she seriously posing? ha…you silly baby!
Even more fashionable, she is styling out with Cesare’s raybans and loving it.
Happy Sunday everyone!