Julienne’s favorite breakfast cereals for toddlers that we found in Italy:
1. Multigrain Cheerios *new as of this month!*
2. Anellini con miglio – Millet rings
3. Soffiati di riso/Soffiati di farro – Rice or Spelt puffs
This past sunday at I Gigli we found multigrain cheerios!!! We were all ecstatic, ok maybe by we, I mean ME. keke. So you can find Multigrain Cheerios (375g) at Panorama inside the shopping center I Gigli. It is 50% off until May 11th, so get thee to Panorama and pick up a couple of boxes for €1,64.
Before this recent discovery, Juli loved eating anellini con miglio from NaturaSì, definitely healthier but with a salty aftertaste. At NaturaSì you can also find bags of puffed rice or spelt cereal, these were a long time favorite from about 10 months. Now with Juli’s new addiction to cheerios…I have a feeling we won’t be eating anything else for awhile.
Have a nice day!