06 August 2013 - Toy Exchange

Toy Exchange with Friends

Toy Exchange One of the smartest things we started doing with friends with children is swapping our toys every few weeks. Although Julienne owns more toys than I care to count, she gets easily bored

26 July 2013 - favorite funtime tractor toy

Favorite FunTime Tractor toy

Photos taken by Jenny Ahn Kidoozie iPlay Funtime Tractor Toy Since turning one, Julienne has received a gazillion and a half toys ranging from wooden language blocks, singing dogs to remote controlled cars. Without a

22 July 2013 - Differences between girls and boys

Differences between girls and boys

Active vs. detail-oriented Is the stereotype true that girls and boys are really different? Well, this past week when David came over for a playdate, he ran all over the house with the activity table